From the moment the trailers of both NBA games dropped, fans have not only anticipated them with all eagerness, but they have also almost instantly started the NBA 2K19 Vs NBA Live 19 comparison. Today, the debate still continues among hardcore fans of both games.
While both games are great in their ways, they still have their differences which place each better than the other in different areas. Nonetheless, it still all depends on what a gamer really prefers. Here is a quick comparison between the two games.
NBA 2K19 Vs NBA Live 19

1. Graphics and Animation
When it comes to the comparison with respect to graphics and animation, it is important to note that both games are quite different but they are still good in their different ways.
In terms of animation, EA’s NBA Live 19 is something that people who love playing basketball games without really being fans of the sport can enjoy. On the other hand, real fans of basketball may find it hard to enjoy because NBA Live suffers from a little stiffness in terms of the animation, which is something that diehard fans may again not enjoy.
On its part, 2K Sports’ NBA 2K19 does so much in simulating the real game and that makes it rather more realistic. It will be a great joy for those who know so much about basketball, but others may still find it hard and unentertaining to play.
In addition to that, 2K19 makes some improvements to previous versions, giving it a more fluid and fast animation. What makes it even better to appreciate is the interaction between players as well as reaction. With Live 19, the reaction and movement of players are quite good but the animation, as stated, is still quite stiff.
Verdict: As far as graphics and animation is concerned, NBA 2K19 is the winner
2. Gameplay & Realism
In terms of gameplay, there is some level of smoothness with both games. 2K offers better bounce of the ball than you will get with Live which can sometimes get the ball to bounce in an odd way most especially when it is coming off the rim.
2K is also better than Live when it comes to clipping. Needless to say, 2K18 had a lot of problems as regards clipping but the issue was fixed in NBA 2K which has left it better than Live 2019. That said, it is still not perfect because there are still some issues most especially with the dribble.
Another important thing here is the A.I. Again, you will find that Live struggles a lot to achieve what 2K is able to achieve with A.I. In fact, it doesn’t just deliver much better than Live, but 2K has been described to offer the best A.I. one can get in any sports game.
Verdict: NBA 2K19 emerges as the better of the two in terms of Gameplay and Realism.
3. Sound and Presentation
Needless to say, one of the important things that come to play as regards the NBA 2K19 Vs NBA Live 19 comparison is on Sound and Presentation.
Ed Cohen and Jay Williams are definitely good at what they do, but the commentary of Live still remains quite poor. On its part, 2K did not do so much with its commentary but it manages to place itself above the EA game.
EA has become popular for its soundtracks that are great, and it does not fail with this game. That is not to assume that 2K does not do well with the soundtrack but it still falls behind what you get with Live. Both games make use of some hip hop tracks that are likely to be what its gamers like. Among other sports games, FIFA 19 gives one of the best halftime shows, although Live is still very good in the genre. It tops 2K which does not have the what can be described as very good shows during it halftimes.
To the presentation, the coin will flip on the side of Live which does a better job with displaying its stats including for individual players, something that is quite poor with 2K.
Verdict: Even though there are areas that 2k19 does well here, it is still Live 2019 that emerges as the better of the two games.
4. Options and Modes
Let’s point out first of all, that in this aspect of NBA 2K19 Vs NBA Live comparison, it is 2K that takes the day. The customization it offers is probably the best in the genre while Live is somewhere in the average. Also, you get many more features and optimization options with features in 2K than Live.
2K has more modes which also have more options than Live, and when you are playing as a single-player, you also have more with 2K whether you are online or offline. But then, when it comes to the multiplayer mode, Live has so much to offer. In fact, it is here that the game shows its best sides, but it falls behind the Pro-Am and PARK of 2K.
Verdict: As easy as it is again, the NBA 2K19 emerges as the better of the two here again.
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Which Is Better: NBA 2K19 or NBA Live 19?

NBA 2K19 Vs NBA Live 19
Beyond the NBA 2K19 Vs NBA Live 19 comparison, it all balls down to which of the two games one would prefer. More so, while a new gamer who is not so much of a basketball fan may prefer one, a real fan of the sport may prefer the other.
It is easy to say, however, that NBA 2K19 is the better of the two games. It edges NBA Live 19 in a lot of things including the sound and presentation as well as gameplay and realism among other things. There are a few sub-categories in which the Live 2019 emerges as the better of the two games such as player resemblance but in general, a hardcore gamer looking for something great between the two may prefer 2K over the Live.