Discord has become one of the most important applications for gamers as a communication tool, as it is gradually replacing popular tools like Skype. The program has become popular because of how easy and flawless it has become. Nonetheless, it is not immune to certain problems that may sometimes include failure of the mic to work.
The Discord Mic not working issue is pretty much one of the most frustrating issues that you can have with the application because somehow, it cuts you off from a group; you can get everyone else in the group but no one can get you.
The problem may be as a result of a number of issues which may include simple things like your audio settings to give permission to Discord to simpler things like input sensitivity issues. The good news, however, is that the solution to this is pretty much at the tip of your fingers.
How to fix Discord mic not working issues
Before attempting to do anything else or even coming to any conclusion about your discord mic, you should check to see that your mic is in good shape. If it is in good shape but the mic is not working when you try it on Discord, then the next thing you want to do is to close the application and restart your computer. More times than often, this has been found to solve the issues of Discord mic failing to work.
However, if it fails to work, you may consider using one of the methods below.
Method 1: Give Discord access to your mic
Depending on the Windows version you are using, you may need to allow apps to have access to the microphone. This mostly comes in when you are using Windows 10 as well as macOS. To allow access, here are the steps to take:
For Windows 10
1. Go to Windows Settings and click on Privacy
2. Under App Permission from the bar to your left, select Microphone
3. Turn on the Allow apps to access your microphone toggle
For macOS
1. Go to the Apple Menu and select System Preferences
2. Go to Security & Privacy then click on Privacy
3. Click on Microphone
4. Finally, check the box for Discord app and that should grant you access.
Method 2: Adjust the Automatic Input Sensitivity settings
There are times when the Discord mic will have this issue because the Automatic Input Sensitivity has been disabled from the Discord settings. You can check to fix this by following these steps:
1. On your Discord windows, click on User Setting icon which you will find at the bottom left corner
2. From the options that come up, click on Voices and Settings
3. Go down to the Input Sensitivity panel and then see if it is not enabled, simply enable it by clicking on the toggle.
4. The next thing you want to do is to try speaking into the microphone. If the meter flashes green light, it means everything is now set, however, if you do not see it, this simply means that Discord is not getting the audio.
5. You may as well decide to toggle the sensitivity to off. If you do that, make sure you adjust towards the marker towards -100db. This will make it possible to pick even low voices.
Method 3: Reset Voice Settings
If you have reasons to believe that your microphone is not functioning very well as a result of setting you or someone else has made to your Discord, you may consider refreshing the setting by following the steps below:
1. On the bottom left side of the application, click on setting.
2. Go to the User Setting which you will find at the left sidebar. Here, you will want to click on Voice & Video which you will find under App Settings.
3. Move to the bottom of the windows and you will find the Reset Voice Settings button which is marked red. Click on it.
4. This will give you a prompt telling you it will clear all local mutes and local volumes. Click on Okay.
Note: Once you do this, all your settings will be refreshed and everything will go to its default state. Nonetheless, if the problem is from the app this should easily fix your mic.
To test your mic to see if the problem has been fixed, move back to the top of the windows and to Mic Test. When you click on the Let’s Check button and speak into the mic, you should hear yourself as an indication that the problem has been fixed.
Method 4: Run Discord MIc as Administrator
Discord may sometimes require special privileges since it is used to send and receive data. As a result of this, the application may sometimes not work properly until you give the special privileges. To do this, follow the steps below:
1. Quit Disord
2. Right-click on the Discord icon on your desktop and click on Run as Administrator
3. You will be asked if you want to run as administrator. Select Yes.
4. This will now launch the app. Try again and see if the problem has been solved.
Method 5: Update your system, Discord app, and audio drivers
Ensure that your computer system is always kept updated and the Discord application you are using is the latest version. This will ensure that you don’t experience some kind of problems with the app. In addition to that, you will want to ensure that your audio drivers are also updated. To update your drivers, simply:
1. Right-click on the Windows Start menu, click on Device Manager.
2. Double-click on Sound, video and game controllers.
3. After that, simply right-click on the sound driver you want to update and then click on Update driver.
4. Next, click on Search automatically for updated driver software.
5. Finally, follow the install wizard and that should be updated.
Method 6: Assign & Configure the Correct Input Device In Discord Mic App
There are times when the issue is simply your mic configuration in Discord. To fix this, follow these steps:
1. Launch your Discord application
2. Click on the settings icon which you will find on the bottom left of your system. The User Settings menu will be brought up.
3. Next, you will want to click on Voice & Video. You will find it under App Settings.
4. Go to Input Device and then select the microphone/headset you are using.
5. Set the Input Volume up to 100%.
6. Under the MIC TEST, click on Let’s Check and try speaking into the mic. You can then make volume adjustment to a level you want once it is set.
See Also: How To Play Music Through Mic – Easy Guide To Follow
If after trying all the steps above you still have the problem, then it may as well be that it is a hardware issue. The first thing to do is to check to see if the mic is well connected to your system and then that your jack enters fully.
Once that is done, you will want to try your microphone on another application. If this doesn’t work, then it may as well mean that your microphone has a problem.